Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer Vacation

Now that school's out, schedules become busier (mostly) and any regularity in plans that has been determined during the school year as far as babysitting times that work for both parties are strained.  I am currently on vacation overseas, and I have gotten at least one babysitting request during the time I am gone.  So my suggestion for you is to create a calendar of sorts of your schedule and conflicts (vacations, camps, et cetera) that would prevent you from being able to 'sit during the summer.
It can be as simple as list, or you can put it on a calendar.  You should include times with the dates.
June 25th-July 3rd: on vacation
July 4th: 5:30PM-10PM Fourth of July Party
July 11th-16th: camp

et cetera.

It is totally your choice and an absolute extra, but it will show clients that you are prepared and take initiative in your work.

Good luck! Comment with thoughts and results :)
If you're reading, you're awesome
Casey L.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Are you a babysitter? Interested in becoming one?
Well, you've come to the right place!  Pore through my site and the page links above to get information on how to babysit.
Email me, fill out the form to the right in the sidebar, or comment with suggestions, complaints, ideas, or whatever strikes your fancy.